Delivery Charges
This will apply to all Secondary Glazing Unit orders placed and quotes purchased
Many locations are free of charge subject to order value, however due to the unprecedented rise in fuel costs, the chargeable areas for seldom visited locations are increasing, some good news is, some areas are reducing in price.
Charge details are in relation to the Secondary Glazing Units only. Ancillary items and add-ons e.g. kits or blinds etc are not included
A: All unit orders (individual or combined), below a total of £425+VAT will be subject to a £50+VAT minimum order charge.
B: All Regularly Visited locations: Unit orders (individual or combined) values above the £425+ VAT delivery will be Free-of-Charge
C: For the seldom visited locations, the delivery charge will be subject to specific location and the order value combined
Full details will be confirmed on submission of a formal quotation where the postcode has been entered, this can be arranged using the the Modify Quote Option in our online FastQuote system.