Improve Building Security With Secondary Glazing
Enhancing Property Security with Secondary Glazing
A real added benefit of Clearview secondary glazing is the extra security it provides for your property. The basic specification of 4mm toughened glass as standard is five times stronger than ordinary glass. With the wide range of options available from Clearview, including thicker glass and laminated glass, the security level can be increased significantly.
The Superior Barrier of Secondary Glazing
The benefit of secondary glazing over a standard window is that it creates an extra barrier to break through. If a would-be intruder manages to force the locks or smash through the existing window, they have to do the same again to get through the secondary glazing. Secondary glazing itself can be a deterrent and offers a simple, cost-effective, unobtrusive, completely reversible option, packed with performance.
Easy Installation and Year-Round Benefits
Clearview secondary glazing units are quick and easy to instal all the year round, in all weathers and better still, no decoration is required after fitting. The simplicity of installation means they are perfect for the average DIYer. Clearview provide free, extensive technical guidance and support online and on the phone, and if DIY isn’t your bag, you can engage a local tradesman to fit the glazing for you.
Versatile Solutions for Every Property Type
From 15th Century listed public houses, churches and Victorian town houses, to modern apartment blocks, commercial buildings, schools and hotels, we have solutions for all types of property. With sliding, hinging or removable options available as tailored combinations, virtually all window designs and shapes can be catered for giving great performance and all year round easy access for cleaning and ventilation. The systems can be supplied in a range of colour options to complement your existing windows and style of property. A wide range of glass options, including branded acoustic glass, can be accommodated to ensure maximum performance is achieved for all budgets.
Comprehensive Benefits of Secondary Glazing
Not only will Clearview secondary glazing tackle your security problem, secondary glazing can also increase the thermal efficiency of the window by 65%, combat condensation and reduce intrusive noise by as much as 80%. Toughened or laminated glass options provide extra safety inside the property and can stop decorative material fading from sun damage.
Choose Clearview for a Secure, Comfortable Environment
Are you ready to transform your home or office into a peaceful, warmer, and more secure space? Clearview Secondary Glazing is here to offer you a solution tailored to your needs. Fill in our FastQuote form today to receive a personalized quote and see how we can enhance your property’s security, thermal efficiency, and overall comfort. Get your FastQuote now.

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