Securing Your Home in Uncertain Times

Securing Your Home in Uncertain Times: Essential Strategies
2020 hasn’t been the easiest year for anyone. From furlough and home-working to social distancing and loneliness, the coronavirus crisis has been filled with uncertainty. Unfortunately, that’s set to continue in the coming years, with job losses only just starting and a potential economic recession on the horizon.
While many people have pulled together, these difficult times also typically see a rise in crime rates. That makes it especially important to protect your home in the coming months and years. In this post, we’ll take a closer look at the threat to your home and how you can bolster your security.
Do troubled times lead to more crime?
When crime made the headlines in 2020, it was actually a welcome silver lining during the coronavirus pandemic. Because of lockdown, crime rates fell by almost a third in April and May, which was almost entirely down to a drop in theft and burglary.
This wasn’t so much a gesture of good will by burglars. Instead, with everyone told to stay home, there simply wasn’t the opportunity to be out and about discreetly, or to get into people’s houses while they were away. That meant that once lockdown measures were eased, crime was back to business as usual.
But unfortunately, the worst is yet to come. With the Institute for Fiscal Studies estimating that the UK could take until 2023 to recover from the economic impact of lockdown, hard times may be set to continue in 2021 and beyond. That includes more business closures, job losses and hardship across the country.
You don’t have to look far to discover the impact this has on crime. A 2010 study found that robbery and property crime rates in particular see a rise during recessions. Understandably, that will leave many people concerned about burglaries at their own property going forward.
The importance of peace of mind
It’s worth pointing out that, even with crime rates rising, the chance of your home being broken into is still relatively low. That said, it’s only natural for people to worry about their property and their loved ones when all they see on the news is unrest and uncertainty.
This comes at a time when our mental health needs more help than ever. In mid-March a huge 62% of the UK population said they had felt anxious or worried, only falling to 49% by June. However unlikely it may be, the possibility of a break in – and all the distress that would bring – is only going to make things worse.
What people really need is peace of mind. Despite that being out of your control with things like the economy, you can achieve it with your home by making sure it’s protected from burglars.
Protecting your property
While it’s important to help everyone you can during hard times, it’s only natural that you will also want to protect your home and your loved ones. The best way to do so is to make your property as uninviting as possible to burglars – both in terms of the security measures and what’s on offer.
No goods on show
First and foremost, don’t make your home look like a shop window. This is especially true over the festive period when every home will have their fair share of valuable gifts. Above all else, burglars are looking for an easy ride. While all homes will have something for them, they’re more likely to target those where they can clearly see what’s on offer.
With that in mind, it’s best to keep all valuables out of view and away from windows. You should also keep blinds or curtains shut throughout the night to avoid giving passers by a clear view into your home.
Invest in security equipment
If you’re really concerned about a break-in, security equipment can be a good way to deter burglars and criminals. Intruder alarms and surveillance cameras are some of the most popular options to protect your home and give you a bit more peace of mind.
The mere sight of a camera or intruder alarm can send many burglars on their way, with the fear that attention will be drawn to them or they’ll be caught in the act.
Stay alert
Staying alert has been a key part of the Government’s messaging since the start of lockdown in March 2020. However, it’s also a crucial part of protecting your home. This means actually using your security measures, whatever they may be.
Lock your doors and windows, and activate alarms whenever you leave the house. Don’t leave doors and windows unlocked even when you’re in the house. Try not to stick to a routine, such as leaving the house to walk the dog at the same time every morning. These small and simple measures will make it much harder for someone to break into your home.
Preventing entry
While alertness and security equipment can reduce the chance of burglary, the best way to prevent it is to stop intruders altogether. No, this doesn’t mean springing into action when you hear a bump in the night. Instead, we’re talking about strengthening your home’s defences.
Doors and windows are the most common points of entry for any burglar. While most doors are pretty robust, the same can’t be said for windows.
There are still 15% of houses in England without full double glazing according to the latest Government figures. That’s a huge number of houses with weak single glazing which can be broken through in an instant.
Thankfully secondary glazing can eliminate this issue. The additional panel fitted on the internal recess of your windows will make them much harder to break through should anyone try. It means, even in the worst-case scenario, burglars would have a heck of a job on their hands getting into your home.
Needless to say, this can also be beneficial to the 85% of houses that do have double-glazed windows, as they’re hardly indestructible on their own.
Get a quote today
In times like these, we could all use a bit more peace of mind. By adding an extra layer of security to your property, secondary glazing can provide just that. At Clearview, we offer a choice of DIY secondary glazing kits and professional installation with a 10-year guarantee. Don’t leave your safety to chance; take proactive steps today to secure your property, fill in a fast quote today.