Everything you want to know about secondary glazing

When making any significant purchase it is important that you have all the answers you need to make an informed decision. It is no different when it comes to investing in secondary glazing and you should always feel confident that the price, performance and practicality are right for your needs.
Take a look at some of the most common questions we are asked about our secondary glazing. If there is anything we haven’t covered then please just get in touch. Our expert team are always happy to help.
Will it keep my house warmer?
Yes. Your new secondary glazing should provide a 60% – 70% increase in the thermal efficiency performance of the window.
How effective is it against noise
Secondary glazing is the most effective solution to noise ingress through windows. 75% of noise ingress can be reduced, in excess of 50dB can be achieved.
Will it cure condensation
In most cases it will prevent or significantly reduce condensation as it creates a barrier from the warm moist internal air, getting to the cold external temperature glass. The air left in the chamber is not sufficient to condense.
What are the units made from
All our secondary glazing is made from environmentally responsible materials from abundant managed sources. We use a quality timber sub-frame to assist fitting and quality extruded powder coated aluminium to give strength with narrower profile sections.
What does RH and LH mean on your fast quote?
This means Left Hand or Right Hand: Sliding panels – LH = it will be the Left panel that slides in front of the Right / RH = Right panel slides in front of the Left.
Do all/both panels slide on a 2 pane horizontal slider
What does face and reveal fix mean?
Face Fix – The unit attaches to the face (up to the primary window). Reveal Fix: Attaches to the side walls of the primary window depth of window sill.
Can I alter the splits to unequal?
Yes. We can match panel sizes to match the window and this does not affect the price.
What is the difference between Forte and Classic?
Classic is the general system for most domestic properties. Forte is design form larger windows and more commercial settings. The performance is about the same but the Forte is a slightly heavier gauge system.
How do the units arrive?
Your units will arrive shrink wrapped in protective weather proof plastic.
Can you help me choose the best product?
Yes of course. If you speak to our expert team they can help advise on the best solution for your needs.
What is your best price?
We always give our customers the best price from the off. We avoid false discounting.
Have I measured correctly?
Link to webpage – Send measuring guide. As long as widest part of the unit will fit in the narrowest part of the window, the trim will cover gaps.
What is your lead-time?
Standard units are despatched within 21 days. Colours or special requirements normally within 4-6 weeks.
Is your question still unanswered? Please contact our friendly team for more help and advice. Call 0114 294 5018 or email [email protected]

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