5 Benefits of Summertime Draught Proofing Installation

What annoyances do you have around your home? A squeaky floorboard? A door that jams shut? Or maybe it’s that constantly dripping tap? Whatever it is – it can’t be as bad as a draught. Draughts are a big problem for homeowners, for one, because they make you uncomfortable. Some even cause an irritating whistling noise.
But more annoying than that is the heat loss. Draughts allow cold air in to your home, and let warm air out. They make it harder to keep your home at a comfortable temperature, and – in the long run – cause energy bills to rise.
The solution? Draught-proofing. But when?
Read on to see the benefits to getting it sorted in the summer months.
1. Beat the rush
It gets to around October time and you’re reminded of those draughts that tormented you last winter. You decide enough is enough. It’s time to get the problem sorted. Unfortunately, so does everyone else.
Draught-proofing companies soon become booked up. Waiting times get longer and before you know it, you’re stuck with the draught through winter. few weeks. By getting it sorted in summer, you can ensure you’re ahead of the game and get the problem fixed quickly.
2. Avoid a cold installation
Even if you don’t fall victim to long lead times in winter, draught proofing usually requires a few days of extra ventilation in your home while products set in. In winter, this means you have to put up with a freezing cold home. Sure, British summers aren’t the scorching weeks we dream of – but it’s better than having to your windows open in the lead up to Christmas.
3. Speed up the process
Modern draught proofing treatments often come as a seal on windows. They are longer lasting, more efficient and less invasive than things like draught-proof brushes. But, as mentioned, they need some time to set in. Summertime provides the ideal conditions for these products, with warmer temperatures and less chance of harsh winds. Getting draught-proofing installed in summer can mean a quicker job with better results.
4. Keeping cool
It’s not just winter when draughts are a nuisance. On the hotter days of summer, draughts can be a pain if you’re trying to keep cold air in your home, especially if you’re using air conditioning. Installing effective draught-proofing between June and August will keep your home cool and keep you comfortable.
5. Start saving sooner
There’s no point waiting for winter to come. As well as avoiding the rush, summer draught-proofing lets you start saving earlier. We might not like to admit it, but there are days in summer where the heating needs to be switched on. With draught-proofed windows, getting your home to a comfortable temperature will be quicker and easier. Your energy savings start as soon draught proofing is in place.
What are you waiting for?
With draught-proofing it really is a case of the sooner the better. But what should you choose? Secondary glazing is an effective method of draught-proofing that can be installed all year round. It reduces unwanted noise in your home, as well as keeping heat in to minimise your bills and save you money.
Clearview are secondary glazing specialists, with over 20 years’ experience supplying and installing high quality systems. Our long-lasting solutions will rid your home of those annoying draughts, as well as saving you money in the long run. Get your free quote today!

Discover How To Stop Draughts for Good And Save On Your Energy Bills
This free eGuide – written by specialists – explains in simple terms how to improve the thermal efficiency of your windows by more than 60% and how you can reduce your yearly heating bill by 15%.
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