Brr! Here we are, mid-May…

Keep your finger off the thermostat with Clearview secondary glazing

Keep your finger off the thermostat with Clearview secondary glazing


…and the wet/cold/rainy weather’s back. Have you cranked the central heating back up again this morning?

Barbeques in the rain, a sure fire sign that summer has arrived.

Barbeques in the rain, a sure fire sign that summer has arrived.

If your home (or office, church, hospital, library, chapel, surgery, yurt) has original period windows, you will undoubtably be feeling the cold and draughts again…unless you have Clearview secondary glazing. And properties with old or basic secondary glazing systems, with the recent warm weather spell, may already have gone through the pane-full (sorry) task of removing the panels and storing them for next winter. Or, you left the secondary glazing panels place, because you couldn’t face the hassle of removing them.

Ta-dah! Not the case with Clearview‘s secondary glazing systems, they can stay in all year
round to keep the cold and draughts out during cold snaps and simply opened for ventilation or cleaning whenever required. They can even be fitted with fly screens, so you can enjoy the summer breeze and keep those pesky pests out!

When the sun DOES shine, open up your secondary glazing, let the fresh air in!

When the sun DOES shine, open up your secondary glazing, let the fresh air in!



Clearview secondary glazing - the solution to significantly improved acoustic and heat insulation to your property, making your home or offices more comfortable, secure, greener and cost efficient to run. Achieved without the disruption of replacement windows, and without damaging the character of your building.

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