Is Placing uPVC Windows in Older Buildings Wrong?


In many modern homes, uPVC will often be used in areas such as doors, cladding, plumbing, pipes and windows. While this is a great solution for recent properties, adding to the contemporary aesthetic and fitting in well with the other building materials, there is often debate over whether or not uPVC should be used in older buildings. Many historic homeowners and trusts who care for these listed buildings may turn to this solution, looking for a way to make the building warmer, to reduce noise and to make it safer for residents. However, is placing Unplasticised Polyvinyl Chloride windows in older buildings wrong?

Removing original features

Ultimately, in order to fit an older building with uPVC windows then the original windows must be replaced. This would mean removing one of the unique features that adds charm to the building. In older homes, the windows are typically designed in ways that modern windows cannot mimic, and it may mean sacrificing a wonderful decorative window for a simple, widely seen frame instead.

Reducing its value

As well as impacting on the look and feel of the building, removing its original features can also greatly reduce its value. Alongside fireplaces, beams and masonry grand oak, timber or similar windows are a part of each building’s cultural heritage, and should only be removed if absolutely necessary.

The environmental impact

Even if the aesthetic appearance of the building was not as important as the practical benefits that uPVC windows could bring, another factor to consider is the effect that this solution has on the environment. As a bi-product of the petrochemical industry, these windows are manufactured using lots of chemicals and over time, they are not biodegradable, due to keep landfills stocked in the future. When there are other harmless options available, is it right to use such a risky solution?

uPVC window alternatives

Even if you are aware of the problems that switching to uPVC windows might bring, it can be hard to find an alternative solution – one that will add sound insulation, warmth and an added element of safety to a building. However, secondary glazing is the perfect alterative to unsightly uPVC windows. These windows are fitted on the wall next to the original window frame, adding an additional level of glazing without damaging the historic window. 

Here at Clearview Secondary Glazing, we specialise in fitting heritage and listed buildings with this innovative glazing solution. Learn more about our approach online.

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Clearview secondary glazing - the solution to significantly improved acoustic and heat insulation to your property, making your home or offices more comfortable, secure, greener and cost efficient to run. Achieved without the disruption of replacement windows, and without damaging the character of your building.

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