3 Reasons Why Secondary Glazing is the Perfect Solution for Hotels


Why Secondary Glazing is Ideal for Hotels: Top 3 Reasons

Hotels come in all shapes and sizes – from B&Bs and guest houses to well-established chains. But they all share one thing in common. They want to provide the perfect experience for

their guests.

To do so, hoteliers need to make sure every box is ticked for the service, facilities and of course the room itself. Fortunately, secondary glazing can make that task a lot easier.

Read on as we look at 3 key ways secondary glazing can improve your hotel for guests.

1.   Noise

A 2011 study by JD Power found that noise was the most common problem experienced by hotel guests. Despite this, less than half of guests choose to report it. Most likely, they’ll continue with their bad night’s sleep and complain online afterwards – or just not return to that hotel.

For hoteliers, this means bad reviews and lost customers. But it’s not unavoidable. Secondary glazing adds a wider gap between window panes, reducing noise by as much as 50 decibels. To put that into context, it could reduce the noise levels of a nearby passenger (70 decibels) car to that of a whisper (20 decibels).

2.   Warmth

Being too hot or too cold can make it difficult to get a good night’s sleep. For hotel guests, this can completely ruin their experience. After all, you book the hotel for the night – not the day.

For optimal sleep, rooms should be around 15-21 Celsius. But providing this can be costly for hotels, requiring air conditioning in summer and heating through winter. This only gets worse with inefficient windows, which make it much harder to maintain a steady, comfortable temperature.

Cue secondary glazing. A well-installed secondary pane on the inside of your hotel room’s window provides added thermal efficiency for your guests. It makes the hotel room a more comfortable environment, keeping out cold in winter and heat in summer.

In the long run, it will even save hoteliers on energy bills and minimise your carbon footprint as you use less energy to maintain a comfortable temperature.

3.   Appearance

They say not to judge a book by its cover. But, let’s face it, most people do. Your hotel’s appearance plays a big part in people’s decision whether to stay there or not. But when it comes to improving windows, many hoteliers opt for window replacement to make their hotel more energy efficient. Unfortunately, this means removing the traditional windows and sacrificing the overall appearance of the hotel.

With secondary glazing, that isn’t necessary. Because a secondary pane is installed on the window’s interior, there’s no need to remove the stylish original fixture. The result? Your hotel gets the benefits of modern glazing while retaining its original character.

Find out more

Secondary glazing has a range of benefits for hotels, hostels, guest houses and B&Bs. And with Clearview, it couldn’t be easier to get started. We offer high quality DIY secondary glazing kits and secondary glazing installation, so you can choose the best fit for you.

Take a look at some of the hotels we have helped by installing secondary glazing.

To discuss your options further or find out more about any of our products, please don’t hesitate to get in touch with our team

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Clearview secondary glazing - the solution to significantly improved acoustic and heat insulation to your property, making your home or offices more comfortable, secure, greener and cost efficient to run. Achieved without the disruption of replacement windows, and without damaging the character of your building.

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