How to Test Your Windows for Draughts in 4 Simple Steps

Nobody wants a draughty property. Draughts let in cold air, making it harder to heat your home or commercial property. Understandably, this can also cause your heating bills to rise. And let’s not forget the infuriating humming some draughts cause. That said, many people don’t realise they have one – and suffer from these problems without knowing the cause. You may hear a humming, or feel a cold breeze, but not realise where it’s coming from.
That’s why it’s essential to check your windows. Windows are one of the most common areas for draughts, and one of the easiest to remedy. But how exactly do you check?
Read on as we look at how to test your windows for draughts.
- Inspect your windows visually
First things first, it’s worth doing a thorough visual inspection of your windows. From the exterior, look for areas where the caulking has broken and revealed a gap next to the window frame. Inside, check the sealing around your window and its frame for any gaps or breaks in the putty that holds single-pane windows in place.
- Get hands on
The second step is equally simple. Run your hand slowly along the perimeter of your window’s interior. If you feel a breeze, however small, it usually indicates a draught. Draughts aren’t always from stand-alone gaps or breaks either. Your windows may just be loosely sealed. Check this by trapping a piece of paper in your windows as you close them. Try to pull the paper out when the window is fully closed. If it comes out without ripping, it means air can get through just as easily.
- Perform a candle test
For a more thorough draught check, try the candle test. Move anything flammable like curtains and blinds away from the window and turn off any fans to ensure the air inside your property is still. Then light a candle and hold it near the seam of the window across its perimeter. Watch the flame as you do this. If the flame curves or moves, it’s because of a draught coming through the window. You can perform a similar test using the smoke from an incense stick too.
- Or a curtain test…
Draughts can also be picked up by lightweight curtains. Close all doors and turn off anything that could move the air in your property, then hang some light curtains or lightweight material on the inside of your windows. See any movement? It’s probably caused by air getting through your windows.
The next step
If you’ve identified draughts in your windows, it’s not something you should put up with. The longer you leave it, the more you will have to fork out on heating bills over time. Not to mention how uncomfortable it can make your home.
At Clearview, we provide a simple and effective solution to draughty windows. Our secondary glazing systems add a high-performing second layer to the inside of your window, ensuring all cold air is kept out to give your property complete thermal insulation. Get your quote online today or contact us for more information.

Discover How To Stop Draughts for Good And Save On Your Energy Bills
This free eGuide – written by specialists – explains in simple terms how to improve the thermal efficiency of your windows by more than 60% and how you can reduce your yearly heating bill by 15%.
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